30 Years – Tailor Made Solutions – Accredited – Nationwide
APT are a specialist restoration cleaning and repair company with over 30 years’ commercial experience of cleaning all types of masonry, tiles and woodwork. We have unrivalled knowledge and work on many sensitive historical buildings, monuments, commercial buildings and highway structures throughout the UK.
We use innovative, specialist systems and have the expertise to accommodate all types of cleaning projects from roof cleaning right through to sympathetic works on aged and fragile façades. Our industry-trained and experienced technicians provide a complete holistic solution to clean, restore and preserve any façade.
APT are trusted by many Conservation Architects and Building Surveyors throughout the UK. We are recognised by Cadw, English Heritage and Landmark Trust.
We are considered industry experts and have completed preservation projects on some of the country’s most complex historic buildings, including St Fagan’s National History Museum, where we removed centuries worth of tar and smoke residues from the inside a 30-foot chimney. This demanded very careful work as the acidic conditions rendered the interior surfaces of the chimney extremely delicate.
Health and safety are paramount to us. Full documentation, including method statements, risk and COSHH assessments, Health and Safety Policy and Environmental Policy will be provided for every cleaning and restoration task.
Our commitment to training means our workforce is fully trained in all the relevant areas of health and safety, including:
› Manual Handling
› Blasting training
› Specialist wet blasting and power-washing
› First Aid
› Use of specialist chemicals
- Gently cleaning delicate surfaces
- Paint and Varnish Stripping
- Graffiti Removal
- Restoring brick, stone and timbers to their pristine condition
Cleans and Remove
- Staining from masonry
- Paint from wood, plaster, brick and stone
- Limescale build up
- Efflorescence
- Rust stains
- Unwanted coatings
- Surface pollutants
Cleaning Techniques
- Concrete cleaning
- Large scale brick and masonry cleaning
- Graffiti Removal
- Mould & algae removal
- Odour elimination following fires and flooding
- Monument Cleaning
- Structural beam and timber cleaning & restoration
- Surface preparation on all metals and wood timbers
Heritage Property Restoration
- Building facades
- Stone including sandstone, limestone, York stone, Portland stone, marble cleaning, terrazzo and granite
- Flagstone flooring & path ways
- Fountains and ornamental sculptures
- Ceramics and glazed tiles
- Glass & stained glass
- Structures and monuments manufactured in ferrous & non ferrous metals including anodised aluminium, stainless steel, brass, copper, bronze, cast and wrought iron
- Plastics & nylon components
- Rubber & neoprene
- GRP, fibre glass & plastic coatings
Blast Cleaning is a broad term to describe a few different processes used in the restoration and preparation of surfaces. It can involve both dry blasting and wet blasting using different grades of blast cleaning media. Contact us for advice about the best method of application and the correct blast media to ensure optimum results and the desired finish.
The soda blasting process saves both time and money by salvaging and deodorizing assets once deemed as total losses. It quickly neutralises smells from mould and algae after flooding as well as toxic pollutant residues left behind from fire damage. Fire and Flood Restoration
For a full list of services view our sister company www.apt-icc.co.uk
APT are the leading soda blasting company in the UK so call us on 0800 0723 773 for help and advice about your historic building conservation, cleaning and renovation needs.